Category Archives: Publishing

Being Mobile and FREE

Singaporeans work hard. Too hard.

In the latest global survey findings from Regus, Singaporeans top the global average in terms of the average number of hours worked and the amount of work brought home. The same survey also found that remote and mobile workers are more productive, have a higher job satisfaction and lower stress levels.

They don’t need to tell us that. We already know.



A Creative Robot (?)

Whether it’s a case of movies mimicking life or life micmicking movies, it doesn’t matter. The US military, in true Hollywood-style, will add an advanced robot to the military’s arsenal of machines. The robot, named PETMAN, is expected to be delivered in 2012.

Thank goodness creativity is the only thing exclusive to human beings. (Or am I speaking too soon?)



A Silent Tribute

They often say the death of one man is tragedy but the death of a thousand is a statistic.

The entire world from US to China takes a moment to mourn for Steve Jobs, one the greatest inventor of our generation. However, his passing on not only prompted increased sales, but also a flurry of activities from filmmakers, rights acquisitors, economists and writers.

Mr Jobs was a private man. Perhaps the greatest gift we can repay him is privacy.

Paying a Silent Tribute,
A Creative Person at Work

The Rich Freelancers

Even spies are going freelance.

Contractors working for the U.S military have made the news in recent years. It was reported on CNN on 20th September that this initial temporary hiring practice is now a multi-billion dollar industry.

Oh My God. Expensive Freelancers.

Journalistic Integrity for Sale

Apparently, money can solve everything.

The saga of News International came to a settlement with three million pounds. To most of us in the industry, the scandal is beyond the damages done to the family. It shames journalistic integrity.

With this settlement, it seems like you can reinstate integrity with three million pounds. Are we that cheap?

You’ll Need to Be Creative!

Apparently, we have what it takes to boost national economy.

The Vice-President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, his Highness Shaikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, urged Dubai Land Authority to come up with creative and feasible initiatives to boost the national economy.

His exact quote, “I don’t want just a routine government work that dampens creativity and innovation among employees and affect their performance.”

I sure feel good about myself this morning.


Our Creative Brothers and Sisters from Publishing are being abducted and murdered by the E-Reading era.

The recent deaths of Borders and The Travel Bookshop show us a cruel lesson – nothing is irreplaceable, nothing is permanent. As what poet Percy Shelly had said, ‘Nought survive, but Mutability.’

Change, my Brothers and Sisters, change and you may survive. And this change has to be quick.
